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What color will Dan's hair be?    You deicde.

Freida was wondering- how much can we raise between her Hebrew birthday and English birthday! So, Dan came up with a plan. From April 23rd (4th of Iyar) until May 2nd (her English birthday) Dan is running a fundraiser! Dan is dying his hair the day before we leave for CO for the training program with Bravo! YOU get to decide what color. For your donation of $18 (9 years old times 2= chai/life) from now through May 2nd in the comments section on the paypal transaction write in Dan- and the color you want to vote for! The color that earns the most amount of money he will dye it. ALSO, bonus round. If anyone wants to donate $500 or more Dan will dye a strip in his beard whatever color you choose!


If you want to join in and raise money like this too, let us know!

via PayPal

Angel Service Dogsâ„¢ a 501-C-3. In the event Bravo does not pass certification, another dog will be trained with the same specifications and this fund will be transferred to that dog. Additional funds raised from this campaign will be transferred into the Angel Service Dogs, Inc. General fund to help train dogs for other families.

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